Cata Sánchez was born in Caracas, Venezuela. She studied Interior Architecture in Lima, Perú. Since her 30’s she has been practicing meditation, sports in the nature, healthy habits and the study of universal energy.

“Feng Shui is the best tool to provided -within your home- a calm, mindfulness and positive lifestyle. My job offers you that possibility”.

About me

Cata Sánchez nace en Caracas, Venezuela. Estudia Arquitectura de Interiores en Lima, Perú y desde sus 30 años incorpora a su vida hábitos saludables, meditación, deportes en la naturaleza y el estudio de la energía universal.

“El Feng Shui es la mejor herramienta para favorecer -desde el hogar- un estilo de vida calmado, con conciencia plena y bienestar. Mi trabajo brinda esa posibilidad a quienes lo están buscando”.

Each project is unique because responds to individual needs. My goal is to create an experience that offers harmony, well-being and beauty in the relations between people and spaces. To co-create spaces that makes you Live Beautifully.





the art of living beautifully

During my fist visit we will explore your needs, your interests on Feng Shui and your expectations. Together we will check all the spaces within your home and I will share the advantages of Feng Shui, as well as suggestions on how to clean these spaces.

schedule now


Once we have evaluated your needs I will provide you a report on what it has to be done to create a positive flow of energy in your home.

We will get together again, and I will explain step by step all you need to take advantage of Feng Shui within your home.

I offer phone consultations if you need extra help

follow up




Cómo funciona el Feng Shui

La importancia de la limpieza de los espacios

Cómo deben estar distribuidos los ambientes

Herramientas de limpieza

Curas para los espacios

Mapa Pa Kua con una lista de activadores sugeridos

I Ching, un presagio de las personas que habitan la casa

• How does Feng Shui work
• The importance of cleaning spaces
• Re-arrangement of the spaces
• Tools to clean
• Spaces cures
• Pa Kua Map
• I Ching Presage for every occupant

The report includes

the method of living beautifully